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"Life Flowing Pen" wishes to offer a different, deep and challenging reflection on the meaning of the Christian faith.

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Florence P.

Monday, January 26, 2015

2015: Your valley of dry bones…

Since the beginning of the New Year, I’ve been saying that 2015 will end for us as with any other human being, if we do not realise that we, sons and daughters of the Most High, are gods (Ps 82:6). I said that it is the Word of GOD, which regularly comes to us, that enables us to operate in the divinity, provided we receive it in our hearts and apply it.

Last week, the Word of GOD came to remind me of the importance of the plea of mercy as a password to the miraculous. I was reminded that everyone, who cried for mercy in the Scriptures, received what they asked for; and it is true. I don’t want to dwell on that teaching, but before moving any further, you may want to consider all your goals, your weaknesses, your disobedience and shortcomings, you doubts etc. and cry for mercy. After a sincere and heartfelt plea of mercy, you can now move on to the next phase, which is prophecy. 

Ezekiel found himself, in the spirit, in a valley of dry bones and the Word of GOD came to him in a question: “Son of man, can these bones live?” The prophet could not answer. So, the Word told him to prophesy unto those bones, saying: “O dry bones, hear the word of the LORD. Thus says the LORD GOD to these bones: Behold, I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live. And I will lay sinews upon you, and will cause flesh to come upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live, and you shall know that I am the LORD.” So, he prophesied accordingly. We know the rest of the story. Gradually, there was first a sound, and then a rattling, and then the bones came together, and there were sinews on them, flesh, skin and finally, breath came in them. When he was done prophesying, there stood, before him, an exceedingly great army, the house of Israel –the church, you and I– instead of dry bones (Ez. 37:1-10).

Some of your 2014-dreams resemble these dry bones. There are projects that you started but buried them, after a few setbacks. And some other projects seem ok, but for whichever reason, they are not taking off. The sinews and the skin are present, but the breath is missing. Well, GOD is telling you today, like with Ezekiel: “Prophesy to the breath! Say to these broken dreams, speak to these buried or unfinished projects, speak to your marriage; speak to the spirit of your children/parents; speak to your church; speak to your finances; prophesy and say: Spirit of the Living GOD, come from the four winds and breathe on these slain, that they may live in the Name of Jesus!”
Do not stop. Ezekiel prophesied the first time. There was a reaction; but it wasn’t complete. GOD told him to continue. As you prophesy, some results will be immediately visible; but others will take more time. Do not be discouraged and do not stop. Before the great army, there was first the silence, then a sound, and then a movement. In other words, the fact that things don’t seem to move doesn’t mean that GOD is sleeping. He is already at work and if you persevere, if you keep on prophesying, by December 31st, you’d have become a great army. You will have countless testimonies. You’d have accomplished all your goals for 2015, and even more. Prophesy breath on every area of your life and on each and every one of your 2015-objectives. 

To your success and joy,

Have a great week and GOD bless you.

Monday, January 19, 2015

In the beginning was the Word and, in the beginning, GOD created…

You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you. He called them gods to whom the word of GOD came—and Scripture cannot be broken— nevertheless, like men you shall die, and fall like any prince.” Ps 82:6, Jn 10:34-35 & Ps 82:5

For those of you who have been following me since the beginning of the year, you know that these verses have made quite an impression on me. I’m just amazed by all the things that the LORD is making me to understand at the back of these. For instance, today, I’ve just received something, which is a very good illustration of what Jesus said:  He called them gods to whom the word of GOD came.

Imagine someone who has never cooked. If this person listens to the instructions (the word) of a chef and follows them meticulously, he or she can cook the most wonderful dishes –as if they were chef themselves. He called you chef because the word of a chef came to you… Likewise, someone who has never driven can drive a car –be a driver– by following the instructions of his or driving instructor to the letter. And also, under exceptional circumstances, someone who is not a surgeon, can remove a hernia if they are guided step by step via a videoconference. 
In all those examples, the student becomes the teacher/master provided they listen and follow every instruction to the letter. In all those examples, the student respects the master as the one having authority on the subject. Similarly, when we listen to/read the Word of GOD and apply it faithfully, we also become gods. But we must first trust the LORD and recognise Him as the Authority in everything. 

Last week, I was reading those verses again before a prayer meeting and I thought: “Well, it’s good to know that we are gods; but what do gods do?” And the LORD took me to Genesis Chapter 1. Gods create. They call into existence the things that do not exist (yet). The god that you are must call your 2015 to existence. For now, 2015 is still void and without form and you need to give it shape and populate it. Indeed, “By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of GOD, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible” Heb. 11:3. It’s in the invisible realm that you will first possess whatever you wish to see in 2015. 

GOD had a clear vision of what He wanted to see before creating the heavens and the earth. Do you have a clear vision of what you (no longer) want to see in 2015? If this is not the case, then ask: “Let there be light!” 
  • He created the heavens and earth: Think of your spiritual and your earthly life.
  • He separated light and darkness: Separate what you want to see from what you no longer wish to see in 2015.
  • He created different things on different days. All your goals cannot be achieved in January or February. Organise them by order of importance or emergency – what is important is not necessarily urgent. If you are not strategic, you will not succeed. 
  • GOD created things, which had a potential for multiplication. Do the same, so that your growth can be exponential every year. 

Next week, by GOD’s grace, I’ll end this series by showing you the kind of prayers that can activate all these things.

Have a great week in His Presence.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

As a man thinketh, then so is he…

A few weeks ago, I listened to Dr. Creflo Dollar's eulogy during the funerals of Dr Myles Munroe and his wife. Amongst other things, he said this: “As a man thinketh, then so is he. You are, based on what you think. If you think you are beaten, you are. If you think you’d dare not, you won’t. If you’d like to win, but don’t think you can, it’s almost the same, you won’t. If you think you’ll loose, you’ve lost; for, out in the world, you’ll find that success begins with the fellow’s will: it’s all in the state of the mind. If you think you’re outclassed, you are. You’ve got to think higher to rise. You’ve got to be sure of yourself before you can win a prize. Think big and your deeds will grow.  Think small and you’ll fall behind. Think that you can and you will; it’s all in the state of mind. Life battles don’t always go to the stronger, faster man; but sooner or later, the man who wins is the fellow who thinks he can, for as a man thinketh in his heart, then so is he.” He was quoting this from Proverbs 23:7a, “As a man thinketh in his heart, then so is he.” 

What do you really think of 2015? How do you truly see yourself at the end of this year? Very often, we Christians tend to shout enthusiastic “Amen!” when words of success, breakthrough, prosperity, promotion etc. are spoken over us; but deep down, we don’t really believe, not that God CAN, but that God WILL change our situation in the twinkling of an eye. We don’t really see the wedding, the child, prosperity, the end of joblessness etc. in 2015. We think this will definitely be for others; but as for us, we’ve gotten used with our situation and have accepted it. 

You don’t need to impress me. There is nobody else than GOD with you right now. Search your heart and answer these questions sincerely: how do you really see 2015? How do you truly think you will end this year? If you think, deep down, that this or that is not going to happen, well, that precisely, will be your portion. 2015 will be according to the thoughts that GOD can read in your heart and not according to the faithless confessions of your lips.

Have faith in GOD. Change your thinking. Think right. “Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life. Put away from you crooked speech (confessions that do not come from the heart), and put devious talk far from you” Prov. 4:23-24. 

Once again, happy New Year! 

Monday, January 5, 2015

Here we are in 2015, praise the LORD!

I would like to open the year with a portion of the Scripture that has been in my spirit since the last days of 2014: “I said, “You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you; nevertheless, like men you shall die, and fall like any prince…” Ps 82:6.

With these words, GOD rebuked a bunch of partial and unjust magistrates. They had the power to condemn or set free; in short, they could ‘play the gods’ and decide of people’s fate; but they abused their privileges and misused the Law instead. 
Many centuries later, Jesus repeated those words in John 10:34-35 saying: “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I said, you are gods’? If he called them gods to whom the word of God came—and Scripture cannot be broken…” Except that He was no longer talking to magistrates alone, but to Mr and Mrs Everybody; to you and I (vs. 24). According to Him, we are gods because the Word of GOD came to us. It is a fact and this Scripture cannot be broken especially because both the Old and the New Testaments bear witness to it (Deut. 13:15b); and the words of Jesus Himself cannot be disputed.

The word has come to us and comes to us every week. In heaven, when GOD and the angels look at us, they see gods –people capable of receiving that word to become children of GOD/totally gods (Jn 1:12); people capable of receiving that word to become as Christ is (1Jn 4:17); people capable of receiving and using that word, the Law of GOD, to judge the world, people and circumstances accordingly; people capable of receiving and using that word to create and recreate the world that they desire to see. The Scripture cannot be broken; we are gods because the Word came to us and we received it –and it cannot return to Him without accomplishing that for which it was sent. 

The Bible tells us that faith comes from hearing, and hearing the word of Christ (Rom 10:17). In other words, the Word that comes to us produces faith and faith gives us the courage to that we need to become the mouth and the hand of GOD in the world –faith generated by the Word that comes, enables us to behave as gods. Hence the bewilderedness that people, who have everything they need to decide, rule, reign and create, eventually die as mere mortals and fall like any princes. And they fall and die because they don’t know how to use the weapons and power that they have received…

The Word is therefore central in this process. The word of healing, which comes to you and that you receive in your spirit, has the power to make you a god of healing. And so also is the word of deliverance prosperity, fertility, salvation, marriage, immigration, employment etc. Expose yourself to the Word of GOD as much as possible. Read it, study it; drown in it if need be, but make 2015 the Year of His Word and become the god of your 2015.

To a year of exploits and success,

Happy 2015!