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Welcome to ''Life Flowing Pen'', Florence Pungong's blog.

"Life Flowing Pen" wishes to offer a different, deep and challenging reflection on the meaning of the Christian faith.

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Enjoy your visit and God bless you !

Florence P.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Jesus: the reason for the season

We have now entered the Christmas week. A few months ago, I listened to a song that deeply moved me; it was Jesus, by Kem. I have listened to it again quite a few times, recently. 
I don’t want to copy-paste the entire song here; I just want to highlight some of the words, which, I believe, are specially adapted to the season.

It was the night, the night of His birth. Heaven was satisfied that there would be Peace on earth. All creation every power every life would call on His name. Children love has arrived and you know the world will never truly be the same.
Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. He’s my refuge, my tower, my friend, my power, my strength, my provider. He came to my rescue. And I don't understand it, but I know the love He’s giving me will never end. He is my redeemer in the face of all I fear. He is love without compromise and I know that He’s the reason that I’m standing here. He’s the source of my joy and my hope when I fall. Jesus is the love of my life.

A friend of my daughter told her that in Dubai, where she used to live, Christians are not allowed to celebrate Christmas ostensibly. They cannot hang any decoration, which can be seen from the outside. While chatting with my niece, who lives in Morocco, I’ve learned that Christmas is not celebrated over there too. As if this was not enough the 25th is even going to be a normal school day for her! 
Well, someone will say that these are Muslim countries. Indeed! However, if you happen to live in a country where time is suspended for about ten days, for the most “enchanting” time of the year, this is an additional reason to give thanks to GOD.

Christmas commemorates the coming of Christ Jesus on earth. Regardless of whether He was actually born on December 25th or not; and regardless of the fact that this season used to coincide with heathen festivities, the point is: Jesus was born and lived on earth and Christendom has chosen this specific date to remind the world of this cosmic event.

He was born and Heaven was satisfied, because they had just given the most perfect and the most precious offering. Allow Him to be born afresh in your heart (again) and know peace, provision, joy, hope, comfort and help. Allow Him to be born afresh in your heart (again) and be mesmerised by His beauty once more. Jesus is indeed the love of my life. 


PS: Listen to Kem’s song, “Jesus”, here.

Monday, December 8, 2014

All is well!

Last week, I suggested that we use the beginning of this month of December to take stock of our lives and resources in order to ensure the success of 2015. I said that it was good and wise to reflect upon the reasons for the success and/or the failures of (some of) our 2014 goals and resolutions. This week, I would like to encourage you to give thanks.

1. For all the successes in 2014 because, ultimately, if some of your goals and resolutions came to pass, even if this happened because you took the necessary decisions or implemented some key changes, all the glory belongs to GOD. Indeed, the Bible exhorts us never to think in our hearts that it is our strength, intelligence or ‘natural talent’ that has made us succeed and prosper; but to remember that it is the LORD who gaves the power to acquire wealth. We possess nothing that we have not received: NOTHING. The One who is gracious to whom He is gracious has given us ALL (Deut 8:18, 1Cor 4:7, Ex 33:19).

2. For your future successes in 2015. The same GOD that has been with you in your past successes will also be with you in 2015. You will succeed.

3. For all your "failures" in 2014. Indeed, no failure is destined to be permanent. After rejecting his offering, GOD said to Cain: “Why are you angry, and why has your face fallen? If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is for you, but you must rule over it (Gen 4:6-7). In other words, it’s pointless being angry or depressed because this or that has not worked or come through this year. 2015 is a brand new GOD-given opportunity to change the end of the story. A new opportunity to finally rule over that bad habit that you’ve not been able to overcome in years. If you do well – by implementing the adjustments mentioned last week – you will succeed in those areas and lift your head up. Be thankful to GOD for this opportunity and all the victories that you can already envision in your spirit by faith. Also, as my pastor often says, “If you have lost something, it’s because of GOD that you have not lost everything.” I paraphrase: even if some of your 2014 goals and resolutions did not happen as expected, it’s because of GOD that the others did.

4. For your "failures" in 2015. Despite all your efforts and good will, maybe some of your wishes will still not come to pass in 2015. it is not because GOD doesn’t want you to be happy - He only has happiness plans for you and works to give you the best possible future (Jer 29:11). He is Love (1Jn 4:8) and is therefore incapable of wishing you any evil. If He says: "No" or "Not now; not in 2015", He knows what He is doing and it's the best decision that can be taken concerning you at that point. Trust Him and give thanks for His love, kindness and wisdom. 

Have a great week thanking GOD: He is GOOD!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Happy new month!

2014 has gone at lightning speed –or so it seems. I can’t believe that we are already at the end of the year. Very soon, after the Christmas and New Year fever –presents and feasting– we’ll embark in the ‘routine’ of the resolutions for 2015. I say routine because to many, making NY’s resolutions is like going to church on Sunday –or at Christmas–: it’s cool and mechanical. It’s just the normal thing to do, but the spirit is not really there.
This is why I propose, before we are caught up with the frenzy of the festivities, that we assess our last resolutions. Let’s take out the list of our 2014 resolutions and goals –for those who can still find it– and do two things.

1Thess 5:21, “Test everything; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.

1. The good things. Let us examine the goals and resolutions that we have successfully achieved and try to understand the reasons for our success. Maybe it had to do with an area of passion? Maybe we implemented some changes in our character or relationships? Or developed a habit or two that proved to be very productive? Why has this worked and that has not? Our discoveries will (mostly) be our strengths in 2015 –what we will need to lean on in order to build things in 2015.

2. The bad things. Let’s examine what has not worked. Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent (Rev 2:5). It’s not enough to acknowledge the failure and put the resolution back on the new list. Some people take the same goals year after year, without ever achieving them. Sometimes, they are even smiling as they write it down, knowing in advance how it’s going to end –as I said earlier, it’s just a routine. It feels good to promise oneself not to procrastinate anymore or to go to the Gym every week or read one’s Bible every day or… or… 
Common wisdom demands that you change the way you do things, if after many efforts, you still do not get the expected or desired outcome! Let’s not just routinely put back certain resolutions on the paper. Let’s analyse things; let’s understand the reasons of our failure and let’s make the necessary adjustments in prayer, right now. 

Lk 14.28-31, “For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it? Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish. ’ Or what king, going out to encounter another king in war, will not sit down first and deliberate whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand?

2015 is like a tower to build or an army to conquer. Before rushing to assail it, let's count our stock and evaluate our resources. Let's consolidate our strengths and correct our weaknesses. This is the attitude of someone who truly wants to succeed (in 2015) and we have about two weeks to do just that. 
One must take a run-up in order to go beyond a certain height (high jump and pole) or length. athlétisme. C'est à partir d'une certaine distance de la barre que l'athlète gagne l’impulsion qui lui permettra de franchir l’obstacle et d’aller le plus loin possible. It is from a certain distance that the athlete gathers the impetus which will help him or her overcome the obstacle and go as far as possible. It is not on January 1st or during that first month that we will begin to think of our goals and resolutions. The momentum, which will enable us to jump over the 2015-bar or 2015-distance with style, should be taken now.  

Happy month of December and to your success!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Integrity: another facet of unity

And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken... And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand. (Eccl 4.12; Mk 3.25)

We are quite familiar with these verses, especially when it comes to dealing with marital or church issues. I particularly use, unity or agreement, call it what you may, as a tool for knowing GOD’s will concerning certain matters. I will pray and ask GOD to answer me through my husband, and then I will submit the matter to him a first time. If he is not hot about it, I usually wait a few more days or weeks, depending, and I will bring the topic back on the table, without really insisting.  If his reaction still hasn’t changed, I drop it or have a third and final attempt a few weeks later. After this all, if GOD has still not changed the heart of my ‘boss’, then it’s obviously not His will and I move on without regret – I just want His will to be done, don’t I? Someone will say, “Yes, but what if it’s really GOD’s will and your husband is just hard-heartened and doesn’t want to submit to it?” I will say this:  

  1. GOD wants me to submit to my husband in ALL things (Eph 5:24). Even if I’m about to go to church and my husband refuses that I go, I must stay home and prepare his dinner without grumbling. I have to win him by my meekness and conduct (Phil 4:5, 1Pe 3:1 & Nu 30:11-13). If I go to church nonetheless, that’s rebellion. If I stay home and call him all sorts of names under the sun, I’m just a foolish woman. Do not be fooled, that is the Bible! 
  2. No one can stop GOD from doing HIS will. If it is really GOD who has laid the matter in my heart and if He wants it done, as I think, no devil –and certainly no husband– can prevent Him from doing that.

Now, let us leave that aspect of the division of a house. The LORD has opened my eyes on another one, which is very subtle but very destructive. I am the temple of the Holy Spirit, a habitation of GOD by the Spirit (1Cor 3:16, Eph 2:22). In other words, I am a house and this house cannot be divided against itself, lest I perish; lest I destroy myself; lest I do not stand, i.e. lest the wonderful plans that GOD had for me (Jer 29:11), never come to pass. How can I be divided against myself?

When my lips do not say what I think and my mind doesn’t want to acknowledge what is really in my heart. When I make a broad smile and say: “I’m happy to see you”, whilst my heart speaks of things which are pointless mentioning here. When I sincerely hope for a promotion, but I join in the office gossip and backbiting during tea or lunch breaks  – to look cool. I can multiply the examples, but I know you got the picture. In so doing, I may think myself smart, but the only person that I am wronging is me. Indeed, every time I behave in such a manner, it is as if my spirit, soul and body are going in opposite directions or singing from a different music sheet. How can I move forward (progress, succeed)? How long will it take before everything crumbles down? Hence the importance of integrity when we reflect on the power of unity. The Collins dictionary defines integrity as the quality of being unimpaired; soundness; wholeness. It is being true and one with oneself. Listen, even if nobody loves you and everybody fools you around; you ought it to yourself to love yourself enough to desire to prosper in every area and withstand. Let us be true and in perfect harmony with ourselves.

Have a great week in HIM and a lot of success. 

Monday, November 17, 2014

And what if it was you (II)?

1Sam 17.39, David fastened on his sword over the tunic and tried walking around, because he was not used to them. 'I cannot go in these," he said to Saul, "because I am not used to them.' So he took them off.

Last week, I said that whenever a people or a person cries out to GOD, He answers by sending them a messiah, i.e. someone who is especially anointed for the task – anointed to bring good tidings to the poor, bind up the broken-hearted, set the captives free and proclaim a year or period of grace, favour and rest, from the LORD. 
David was such a man.
For days or weeks, the army stood in front of the Philistines, petrified; and the whole nation was facing extermination or slavery, when David, who had previously been anointed by Samuel, walked into the battlefield.
He first tried to use Saul’s weaponry –the best at the time– but it didn’t work. So, he took his sling and a few stones/cobbles, with the outcome that we know. Goliath, the terror of the peoples, was defeated and slain.
The anointing is the special mantle or tools that the LORD gives us when He sends us to bring salvation and deliverance to a people or to someone. 
Sometimes, those people will try to convince us to use the very best and latest technologies available; but we should stick to the unconventional means that GOD has given to us. In any case, if those are truly the ‘ultimate weapons’ and they are experts in using them, why then are they in that situation still? Physician, heal thyself!
As for you, dear reader, what do you have in your hand (Ex 4:2)? What are the gifts, skills, and unique qualities that you have received from GOD? Are you making good use of them or are you busy trying to manage with someone else’s tools? Look cautiously around you; someone greatly needs them today. You are GOD’s solution for the salvation or the deliverance of one or many people. 

May GOD bless and empower you. Have a fantastic week in HIS Presence.

Monday, November 10, 2014

And what if it was you?

Jg 3.9, But when they cried out to the Lord, He raised up for them a deliverer, Othniel son of Kenaz, Caleb's younger brother, who saved them

A few centuries earlier, the children of Israel had also cried out to the LORD and He had raised and sent Moses to them. There are many other biblical and non-biblical examples like that, such as Mandela. Without falling into the traps of secular humanism, which has misled many, we must recognise and understand that Man is GOD’s response to human misery. Whenever a people or a person cries out to the Creator, He answers by sending a man or a woman to them; a deliverer, a saviour, a messiah (someone that He has anointed for the job).

We know this – most of us – and we like hearing it. We like the idea that GOD is going to send someone to take us out of our misery. Someone who will give us a job; or give us money; or who will invest in the business venture which has been dear to our heart for years. Someone who will help them go to Europe etc. 
Anyway, I wont be long today. The Bible says that it is more blessed to give than to receive (Ac 20:35). Why must you and I always be at the receiving end? Why can the eyes of the LORD not stop on us after going to and fro throughout the earth (2Chr 16:9, Zech 4:10)? Why can the Spirit of the LORD not be on me as well, as one anointed “to bring good news to the poor; to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to those who are bound; to proclaim the year of the Lord's favour, to comfort all who mourn and give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit?” Why can I not be the one who builds up the ancient ruins; raises up the former devastations and repairs the ruined cities which have been devastated for many generations? See Isaiah 61:1-4

Today, Dr Myles Munroe was supposed to host a Global Leadership Forum; but he died yesterday in a plane crash, along with his wife, his daughter, and six other passengers whose names are not yet known or mentioned. May their souls rest in peace. However, this tragedy reminds us of two things:
  1. We do not know the day, hour and circumstances of our grand exit: Let us be always ready to meet our Maker.
  2. We are not really that equal in death. Everybody is talking about Dr Myles Munroe, and accessorily his wife and daughter; and yet, there were six other Christians in that jet. Hmm… Dear friends and readers, it is high time we begin to produce long-lasting fruits and live significant lives by becoming GOD’s solution to someone or to many. Enough of consumption! We have been fattened enough. 

Have a great week in Christ Jesus and GOD bless you.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Come to think of it, is He even there?

And when the feast was ended, as they were returning, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem. His parents did not know it, but supposing him to be in the group they went a day's journey, but then they began to search for him among their relatives and acquaintances, and when they did not find him, they returned to Jerusalem, searching for him… Luc 2.43-45

This is incredible, isn’t it? How can parents, worthy of the name, can forget a twelve-year-old child in a city? And the first son for that matter! If the child was a bad boy, one would think that their forgetfulness alluded to a desperate psychological need of a break; but he wasn’t. What could have been more important than children, especially at the time? Normally, Joseph and Mary should have first checked that all the children were present before taking the road back to Nazareth. And yet, as unbelievable as this seems, this is precisely what some of us do on a daily basis. They hit the road and embark on all sorts of adventures, without making sure that the most important person in their lives is indeed part of the journey. 

Has Jesus entered your boat this morning? Or yesterday? Or last week, when you decided to do this or that or go to that place? Will He be part of the fun later on or tomorrow, as you carry out with your plans?

Many Christian live their faith by proxy. They have lost sight of Jesus and simply hope that those tagging along with them can still see Him. Jesus’ parents could not see him, and yet, they continued with the journey, hoping that he was somewhere in the group. Likewise, it’s now been a while that things are not working on that road of yours. You can no longer see GOD; but instead of turning back to find out where you have lost/left Him, you'd rather move on with your plans, head first!

Joseph and Mary looked for him amongst their relatives and acquaintances. Nothing is working, and yet, you don’t want to go back to the source. You’d rather use shortcuts. “Please, tell me, what shall I do? What do you think GOD wants from me?” My dear, you will not find Him here, because the fact that we are together right now means that I’ve equally left without Him! I am as lost as you are. Like Joseph and Mary, we both need to return to ‘Jerusalem’. It is written: “Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent” (Rev 2.5). 

I pray that this week will be one of new consecrations and new starts. A week when we reset EVERYTHING –projects, relationships, businesses, decisions etc.– and say, like Moses, “LORD, henceforth, if Your presence will not go with me, do not bring me up from here” (See Ex 33:15).

God bless you.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch: Reflection over their encounter

Ac 8.26-40, “Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, “Rise and go toward the south to the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.” This is a desert place. And he rose and went. And there was an Ethiopian, a eunuch, a court official of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, who was in charge of all her treasure. He had come to Jerusalem to worship and was returning, seated in his chariot, and he was reading the prophet Isaiah. And the Spirit said to Philip, “Go over and join this chariot.” So Philip ran to him and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet and asked, “Do you understand what you are reading?” And he said, “How can I, unless someone guides me?” And he invited Philip to come up and sit with him… And the eunuch said to Philip, “About whom, I ask you, does the prophet say this, about himself or about someone else?” Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning with this Scripture he told him the good news about Jesus. And as they were going along the road they came to some water, and the eunuch said, “See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized?” And Philip said, If you believe with all your heart, you may. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. And he commanded the chariot to stop, and they both went down into the water, Philip and the eunuch, and he baptized him. And when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord carried Philip away, and the eunuch saw him no more, and went on his way rejoicing. But Philip found himself at Azotus, and as he passed through he preached the gospel to all the towns until he came to Caesarea.”

There are many strange or supernatural things happening here. First of all, an angel spoke to Philip. Was it physically like those who appeared to Abraham and Peter (Gen 18, Ac 12) or in a dream? I don’t know. But what I’m sure of is that he had no wings and no white clothes. He appeared to him and asked him to rise and go toward a certain direction. Philip obeyed immediately, contrary to many of us who would have never budged without knowing WHY they had to go there. It’s important 1) to be able to recognize GOD behind his guise and, 2) Not to argue with Him but be diligent to obey.

Then, the Holy Spirit told Philip to go and join the chariot -which was probably ridden by one or more horses- and so, Philip had to run. This means that the LORD must have multiplied his strength and speed for him to accomplish such exploit in the heat of the day. And He can do the same for you, today.

Also, this Ethiopian was reading the Scriptures written in Hebrew and Aramaic; other languages than his own. Where and when did he learn those? We know that he had converted to Judaism, because he actually went to Jerusalem to worship. however, after the public religious duties, he continued to dig in the Scriptures. He had a hunger for GOD and so, GOD fulfilled His promise in Isaiah 56:3-7 for him: “Let not the foreigner who has joined himself to the Lord say, “The Lord will surely separate me from his people”; and let not the eunuch say, “Behold, I am a dry tree.” For thus says the Lord: “To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths, who choose the things that please me and hold fast my covenant, I will give in my house and within my walls a monument and a name better than sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off. “And the foreigners who join themselves to the Lord, to minister to him, to love the name of the Lord, and to be his servants, everyone who keeps the Sabbath and does not profane it, and holds fast my covenant— these I will bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer; their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.” Hallelujah! GOD is Faithful. If you seek Him wholeheartedly, He’ll send someone to you, naturally or supernaturally, who will help you get out of any difficult situation you may find yourself in. He did it for the Ethiopian Minister of Finance and He did it for Cornelius as well (Ac 10). The key is in the hunger. Those who thirst and hunger (after GOD) will be satisfied.

The eunuch invited Philip into his chariot. Imagine yourself on a desert road, in a foreign country; and all of a sudden, you see this man running towards you at an incredible speed. What will you do? The Minister invited the stranger in. This can only be GOD. What prevents me from being baptized? Nothing, if you believe with all your heart. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. And Philip baptized him. Can it be that we have overcomplicated things in our churches? Anyway, it’s just a question…

After this, the Spirit of GOD carried Philip away and the eunuch saw him no more. How? No idea! Why didn’t He use the same means of transportation the first time around, instead of making him run on a desert road? Still no idea; but GOD is Sovereign and polymorphic. He doesn’t have just one way of doing things. Let’s not try to fit Him into the mould of our experiences. He is ready to do something new every day, week or month. It all depends on our cooperation. My pastor often says that we are spirits and another one of my pastors used to say that we are spirits who have a soul and who live in a body. It’s normal for spirits to go from one place or plane to the other in the knick of time, isn’t it?  Wizards have understood and mastered this. They allow devils (other spirits) to use them at will in teleportation trips. They go from one place to the other, at night, by the power of Satan. But this story shows us that the Holy Spirit can also carry us from one place to the other, in the middle of the day, not for us to gloat about our newfound ‘spiritual powers’, but for the sake of the Gospel. Again, it all depends on the way that we cooperate with Him. It all depends on the diligence with which we react when He first tells us: “Rise up and go to so and so”, without any other detail.

This week is an exceptional week. It is the week that the LORD has made and it is pregnant with opportunities. If you really hunger for GOD and if you are docile, diligent and willing to serve, you will not fail to see GOD's hand on you in an unusual way this week.

GOD bless you all.

Happy and wonderful 15th birthday to my daughter Christelle. Like Christ, you truly are. May the good hand of the LORD continue to rest on you as you continue to grow in faith, in knowledge and in favour. Much love.

Monday, October 6, 2014

One temple hides another…

Lk 19.45-46, He entered the temple and began to drive out those who sold, saying to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be a house of prayer,’ but you have made it a den of robbers

In a similar passage in John 2, we learn that these were people selling oxen and sheep and pigeons, and the money-changers (vs. 14). He drove them all out of the temple saying: “Take these things away; do not make my Father's house a house of trade.” Most of the interpretations of these passages are often very literal:
  •       The local church should not be a place of trade at all.
  •       Jesus is speaking against those whose minds are filled with cares about worldly business when attending religious exercises, or who perform divine offices for love of gain. 

But let’s look at the historical context of these scriptures. Back then, the Temple of Jerusalem was the centre of the religious activity. That’s where people came to offer the sacrifices prescribed by the Law of Moses. Those who lived far away from the Holy City would turn the value of their sacrifice into money and then, travel to Jerusalem and spend that money in the Temple, buying oxen or sheep or pigeons etc. (Deut 14:22-26). Besides, the only currency allowed in the Temple was the Jewish money (Mat 17:24); but it the rest of the empire, it’s the Roman money –with Caesar’s effigy– which was in use; hence the presence of the money-changers in the temple. The Law made provision for all of this and thus, it’s clear that it’s not the mere acts of buying and selling in the temple’s courts which are condemned here, but the traffic; the illegal trade which was now taking place there. Indeed, some unscrupulous chaps were exploiting the situation by using exorbitant exchange rates and overpricing the animals destined for sacrifice. And unfortunately, the poor pilgrims had no other choice than to exchange their money and buy what they needed for the sacrifices. It is against this organized theft and vile exploitation of their fellow-citizens that Jesus protested. Therefore, there is no harm in selling stuff in church; but it all depends on the nature of what we sell and how we price it. We should not exploit the brethren and we should be cautious about what we put in the holy treasure. The Jews would not accept Roman money… Selling religious articles or food and drinks is one thing; selling clothes, shoes or Kung-Fu DVDs is another thing…

Now, when asked what gave Him the right to behave like that, Jesus answered: “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up” and John adds that He was speaking about the temple of his body (Jn 2:18-21). In other words, behind this Temple story, there is another temple story. Jesus goes from the Temple of Jerusalem to the temple of His Body; and, likewise, we are to go from our local churches to the temples of the Living GOD that we are (1Cor 3:16). We are called to be ‘houses of prayer’, ‘houses of worship’; places wherefrom sweet smelling fragrances go up to the LORD. But we often, way too often, turn our temples from their original and intended use; and let all manner of thieves and traffickers in –bad habits, bad thoughts, sin, and even demons…
Enough is enough! Let’s get rid of all these intruders. Let’s go back to the source. Say with me: May the zeal of His house [my local church] and the zeal of my house [the temple that I am; the fulfilment of my destiny] consume me afresh, in Jesus Name! 

Good riddance, good cleansing and great week in HIM.
