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"Life Flowing Pen" wishes to offer a different, deep and challenging reflection on the meaning of the Christian faith.

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Florence P.

Monday, October 28, 2013

So, you also want to see His glory? (II)


As promised last week, here are a few words of explanation concerning the LORD’s reply to Moses: I will make all my goodness pass before you and will proclaim before you my name 'The LORD.' And I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy (Ex 33:19).

Moses had requested three things: 1) To know His ways in order to know Him better, 2) The company of His presence on the way, and 3) To see His glory.

This is the LORD’s answer to the first request: I will make all my goodness pass before you. In other words, if you seek to know Me, then, know that I am GOOD. GOD is GOOD. Regardless of the natural disasters, death and all manner of suffering in the world, GOD is and remains GOOD. If you do not understand this, then you have not even begun to scratch who GOD is. It is not by chance that Jesus told the young rich man that only one is GOOD: GOD (Mat 19:17). He knew the terrible fate that awaited Him, but this did not stop Him from proclaiming GOD’s goodness. This is also why David invited the people to taste and see that the LORD is good, even though his own life was not rosy every day (Ps 34:8). As a matter of fact, he added: “Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!” Why seek refuge if everything is ok and there is no danger ahead? Let me tell you this: what you are going through right now, or will go through tomorrow, doesn’t change a thing to the inherent goodness of GOD. An apple tree can only bear apples and GOD can only ‘produce’ goodness. This explains why His ways (which Moses desired to know) are essentially Grace and Mercy, and why Jesus exhorted us to be merciful, just like our heavenly Father (Lk 6:36).

As for the second request, GOD had already promised to go with him in verse 17: "This very thing that you have spoken I will do, for you have found favour in my sight..."

Lastly, when Moses asked to see His glory, GOD replied: I will proclaim before you my name 'The LORD.' This might not mean a lot to you, especially if you have never found yourself in the presence of a king or a head of state. However, during official events, before the arrival of a king or president, someone (a herald) goes before them and announces loudly: ‘His Majesty the King! Or, ‘The President of the Republic!’ and everybody stands up etc. Yet, in our case, it is not Moses who announces GOD, but GOD who is Moses’ herald; and He doesn’t shout: ‘His Excellency Moses!’ before him, but instead, He proclaims His own Name. In other words, wherever Moses goes, GOD announces him saying: ‘Behold, GOD!’ Had He not said before: ‘See, I have made you like God to Pharaoh?’ And, speaking of Aaron, ‘He shall be your mouth, and you shall be as God to him?’ Ex 7:1 & 4:16

This is how GOD’s glory is manifested in people’s life. Do not be fooled: it has NOTHING to do with houses, cars and designers’ clothes. If this was the case, Hollywood would be a better place than the church to look for it.

You know that you walk in GOD’s glory when the LORD Himself trumpets your arrival to the world, systems and Creation by calling you by His Name. This is the reason why elements instantly submitted to the LORD’s orders and why GOD backed up Prophet Elijah when he boldly said that there would be no dew or rain except by his word (1Ki 17:1)! By the way, do not forget the fact that Elijah wore a garment of camel’s hair which was not the then-days’ equivalent to luxurious clothes (2Ki 1:8). When GOD is well-pleased with someone, He does not withhold any good thing from them (Ps 34:10 & 84:11)… I could have written more, but it is not necessary. Those who seek the LORD with all their heart will find Him and understand much more than what I have shared. As for the others, well, it is best to make a better usage of pearls…

Have a wonderblessed week!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Do you also want to see His glory?


One of the things that Christians like to ask is to see GOD’s glory. There are countless seminars and conventions on this. I have attended a few in the past. However, today, I cannot help but notice that what people expect and imagine when they pray this prayer probably has nothing to do with what the glory of GOD truly is. Indeed, the Bible says in 1Kings 8 that when GOD’s glory fell down, even the priest could not remain in the temple to serve: they all had to leave (vs. 11). In Deuteronomy 5, it came as darkness, a mountain burning with fire and a voice coming out of the midst thereof and the people were so afraid to die that they begged Moses to be excused (vs.23-27). In Revelation 21:23, it is a light which is brighter than the moon and the sun. We can’t even look directly at the sun when it is in the zenith, but we want to see GOD’s glory? Hmm…

We usually pray like that because we want to imitate Moses; but we forget (or ignore) the necessary preliminary steps he took before GOD could grant his request. Indeed, he told the LORD: “If I have found favour in your sight, please show me now your ways, that I may know you in order to find favour in your sight. Consider too that this nation is your people." And GOD replied, "My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest." And Moses said to Him, "If your presence will not go with me, do not bring us up from here. For how shall it be known that I have found favour in your sight, I and your people? Is it not in your going with us, so that we are distinct, I and your people, from every other people on the face of the earth?" And the LORD said to Moses, "This very thing that you have spoken I will do, for you have found favour in my sight, and I know you by name." Moses said, "Please show me your glory."” Ex 33:12-18

In other words, Moses requested three things:

1) Show me your way: This was also David’s prayer (Ps 25:4). However, people are usually not interested in knowing His ways; they just want to see His deeds (Ps 103:7). They don’t want to know how to make a car or a computer; but just want the finished product. They don’t want to learn to cook; they just want to enjoy the meal that someone else has laboured to prepare. This is what the children of Israel said to Moses in Deut 5: ‘Staying here is too difficult; it will kill us. You, stay. Find out how it works and then, come and tell us.’ People demand to see GOD’s glory, but they don’t want to prayerfully study and understand the Scriptures. They’d rather listen to preachers with bizarre motives teach them rubbish…

2) Let your presence be with me all the way. ‘Be with me as I walk on the very way that you have shown me. I’d rather stay where I am certain You are, rather than venture into places without you by my side.’ It is one thing to know GOD’s ways and it is another thing to desire and accept to follow them. People want to see His glory whilst they are not ready to die to self and forsake their plans B, C and D to follow the LORD’s one and only plan A.

3) Show me Your glory, even as I walk in Your ways. This is the outcome of the first two steps and you cannot take a shortcut. It is because he had done the rest and GOD was pleased with him, that Moses could now ask to see His glory. In fact, if GOD’s glory was really to come in our gatherings the (foolish) way we sometimes beg for it, many Christians would die on the spot; because of them, GOD has to wait until they grow and sanctify themselves. Moreover, when GOD granted Moses request, fire did not fall from heaven and nothing supernatural happened – the sort of things that glory-askers usually hope to see. The LORD instead caused all His goodness to pass before Moses and proclaimed His name before him; then He added enigmatically that He is gracious to whom He will be gracious, and shows mercy on whom He will show mercy.

Please take time to ponder over these things. GOD’s willing, I will touch on the implications and meaning of His answer to Moses next week. GOD bless you.

Monday, October 14, 2013

As promised: A few words on the revival (II)


Three weeks ago, I mentioned the fact that the revival has a price; and although we are many to desire to witness it in our churches or cities, few of us are actually prepared to pay that price: the price of perseverance. As early as yesterday, Pastor Olly Goldenberg reminded us that when George Mueller -whose faith is legendary- became born again, he vowed before GOD to pray for the salvation of five of his friends twice a day. He did this faithfully every morning and every evening; but it was only after ten years that the first friend gave his life to Christ. After 20-30 more years of assiduous prayers, only four of them were converted. Mueller died without witnessing the conversion of the fifth one, who became a Christian a year after his death. Did GOD answer his prayers? Yes, indeed; totally. Did He do it within the timeframe that most people would expect? No. Are there many of us praying with such regularity for our children, parents, friends, colleagues, nation or pastors, even though everything seems to indicate that nothing is happening and GOD is deaf? I don’t think so; and yet, this is what it really is about when we speak of faith. The Bible tells us that, against hope, Abraham believed in hope (Rom 4:18). We need to learn to live within the time as if out of it; after all, eternity is embedded in us.

Dr Roberts Liardon also explained to us that the first signs that the revival has finally started are:

  • Strange things begin to happen. In Paul’s days, clothes that had been in contact with him were used to heal the sick and cast out demons (Ac 19:12).
  • Then, there is a shift in the spiritual atmosphere and demons begin to manifest. Paul had been casting demons before in the city (vs. 19:13), but without repercussions like that which was seen after the trashing of the seven sons of Sceva by a demon-possessed man (vs. 17).
  • Then, there is a cultural impact. When the Ephesian revival started, people burnt books and magical artefacts of great value; things which were inherent to the culture of the time.
  • Finally, people start paying attention to what Christ says and wants: the Word of GOD begins to increase and prevail mightily. This result will not fall from heaven by itself: Christ gave power and authority to the Church. She is the one who needs to pay the necessary price for the revival - i.e. for the bringing down of systems and discipling of nations.

We were also reminded that the greatest moves of the Spirit always come with the greatest reactions from the enemy. Remember the events surrounding the birth of Moses and Jesus? And those surrounding the exodus of the children of Israel or the persecution that followed the birth of the Church at the Pentecost? In other words, while we long for revival, we should also prepare ourselves for adversity.

“I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered” (Mk 14:27). There are countless revivals which started here and there and did not last, usually because of flaws in the leadership. This is why it is necessary to prepare agents of revival; a team that will carry on the work. This is what Jesus did with the 12; what Paul did in Ephesus, and also what he advised Timothy to do (2Tim 2:2).

The Ephesian leadership meeting in Acts 20:17-ff, teaches us that Paul never tried to mesmerize the elders with his spirituality. He presented himself to them just as he was; they saw him happy and they saw him crying as well; he was no superhuman to them, he was a man just like them. He had taught them publicly and privately as well, in words and in deeds, and did not shrink from declaring the whole counsel of GOD to them. Nowadays, many men of GOD struggling with self-assurance are afraid to pass on what they know, in fear that the beneficiaries will be empowered and leave the church with some of the sheep. But I have this question: even if someone were to go, is it not preferable for the Body of Christ that such person leaves well equipped instead of the contrary? Then Paul insisted that they take heed of themselves and pay attention to the flock which was being entrusted to them. They needed to know themselves; especially, know their weaknesses and govern them before governing the church. What temptation of the enemy gets your attention? If you know it, run away as soon as you discern it from afar. As a former alcoholic, pubs are probably not the best place to go about evangelising.

GOD bless you and have a great revived week in HIS Presence.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Don’t be afraid of the future

I know I promised to post the last part of the article on revival; but I have the feeling that the LORD would rather have me write on something else – at least for now.

September 29 was our thanksgiving and testimonies Sunday. Two people gave some testimonies whose lesson was a great message of hope.

The first one, our music director, said how he remembered an impossible situation a few years ago. He was totally lost and could simply not envision a bright future for himself. However, when he now looks back at what was so scary and how far the LORD has taken him, his then apprehension seems so laughable today. Yesterday’s future has become today’s present and GOD has not disappointed him!

The other one told us how they were about to lose their house in June; they were even taken to court and bailiffs stopped by. Her husband had lost his job and her income was not enough to cater for the whole family and pay the mortgage. They had reached the end – or so they thought. I will spare you the details of what GOD did; just know that today, she has resigned from her job, has a thriving  minibus-to-hire business and she is even looking to recruit more people because of the enormous demand for her services. The future which seemed pretty sombre in June has now turned into a glorious present.

My pastors have just celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary. Twenty years of marital bliss. They have also looked back at the journey road. They have also acknowledged the fact that when the LORD ‘promoted’ the well paid chartered accountants that they were to a pig and then a cow farm a little less than 20 years ago, stripping them of any ounce of self-confidence, nothing in the world could have help them envision the life which is theirs today.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love… 1Cor 13.13
All this is to tell you to take heart and hope. Look back. Remember some situations which appeared to be insurmountable in the past but you managed to get through them by GOD’s grace. This should give you hope that you will soon look back at what terrifies you today, and notice that yesterday’s scary future has become a glorious present. GOD is Good and He knows the plans that He has for you; plans to prosper you, to give you hope and a future (Jer 29:11).

Have a happy week and a Great future: GOD has not changed; He is GOOD!